2016 01-06-2016 — The Awesome World of the Future 01-13-2016–Junior Militiaman Anti-Government Playset 01-20-2016–IHOTFM-Man and the Flint water crisis 01-27-2016–Primary phenomena 2016 02-03-2016–Election News Network 02-10-2016–Primary questions 02-17-2016–death of Scalia 02-24-2016–time travel Sparky 03-20-2016–dying thoughts 03-16-2016–further primary phenomena 03-09-2016–Trump mania 03-23-2016–the Incredible Trump 03-20-2016–the alien visitor 04-06-2016 04-13-2016–Chuckles talks about Bernie 04-20-2016–still more primary phenomena 04-27-2016–the incredible Trump tries to act presidential 05-04-2016–the forever campaign 05-11-2016–the incredible Trump in “Primary Pandemonium” 05-18-2016–the politics of pragmatism (with JFK) 05-25-2016–the great Trump overload 06-01-2016–still more primary phenomena 06-08-2016–relative threat of guns and transgender rights 06-15-2016–when was America great? 06-22-2016–Gun Talk, about another regrettable mass mortality event 06-29-2016–Very, very normal: 12 months of Trump 07-06-2016–Doctor Who vs. the Brexit 07-13-2016–Dr. Von Philbert and the satirical reality 07-20-2016–the cycle of Trump 07-27-2016–RNC rundown, part one 07-27-2016–RNC rundown part two TMW2016-08-03–Scenes from the DNC TMW2016-08-10–millennial lament TMW2016-08-17–the Donald Trump Comedy Hour TMW2016-08-24–election phenomena, three months to go TMW2016-08-31–Trump, Trump,Trump,Trump,Trump TMW2016-09-07 TMW2016-09-15–Hero worship of Putin TMW2016-09-21–reality collapses TMW2016-09-28–Sparky rants about Trump TMW2016-10-05–the Incredible Trump debates! TMW2016-10-12–bizarro world TMW2016-10-19–word salad TMW2016-10-26–the secret of Trump’s hair TMW2016-11-02–the return of the thing that ate America’s brain TMW2016-11-09–pre-election deadline DIY funnies TMW2016-11-16–over the cliff TMW2016-11-23–things to be thankful for TMW2016-11-30–the great divide TMW2016-12-07–Trump vs. the founding fathers TMW2016-12-14 TMW2016-12-21–post truth world TMW2016-12-28–2016 in review