Washington Post article from August 9 (to which I linked yesterday):

The new information indicates a pattern in which President Bush, Vice President Cheney and their subordinates — in public and behind the scenes — made allegations depicting Iraq’s nuclear weapons program as more active, more certain and more imminent in its threat than the data they had would support. On occasion administration advocates withheld evidence that did not conform to their views. The White House seldom corrected misstatements or acknowledged loss of confidence in information upon which it had previously relied…

Washington Post editorial from August 9:

Mr. Gore, who not so long ago was describing Iraq as a “virulent threat in a class by itself,” validated just about every conspiratorial theory of the antiwar left. President Bush, in distorting evidence about the Iraqi threat, was pursuing policies “designed to benefit friends and supporters.” The war was waged “at least partly in order to ensure our continued access to oil.” And it occurred because “false impressions” precluded the nation from conducting a serious debate before the war.

This notion — that we were all somehow bamboozled into war — is part of Mr. Gore’s larger conviction that Mr. Bush has put one over on the nation, and not just with regard to Iraq.

Maybe someone who reads the Post more often than I do can explain: is it turning into the new Wall Street Journal, with editorial and news pages apparently from parallel universes?