
Once again, Time magazine fails to acknowledge that the Thomas Stokes letter from their May 26 issue was in fact GOP astroturf written by operatives of the Republican Party — in effect, a sleazy attempt by the ruling political party of the United States to manipulate public opinion by deceiving magazine and newspaper editors. (Most of you are more than familiar with this by now, but if you’re just joining us, the full story is here.)

They’ve acknowledged the deception in a form response to the three or four hundred emails they’ve received, but the vast majority of their magazine’s readers still have no idea that they were snookered by Republican propagandists. And at this point, I’d have to say, it looks like they have no intention of acknowledging the fact.

So, once again, here’s their email (link fixed). If you write them, be firm, but polite. They need to understand that a failure to address this mistake really damages their credibility.