That’s our Bob!

So I’m reading a book about writing by Russell T. Davies, the showrunner for the new Doctor Who series. It’s in the form of a year-long email exchange between Davies and a journalist, following the creation of a season of Doctor Who from start to finish. Might not make as much sense if you’ve never seen the show, but it’s full of insight and angst about the writing process, universal stuff in which any creative person will immediately see their own experience reflected.

More to the point: on maybe the third page in after you get past the foreword and the intro and so on, there’s this little bit:

Anyway I’m off to bed. Not because I’m tired, but because I’m reading a brilliant book, Prisoner of Trebekestan. The Trebek is Alex Trebek, who’s presented the US quiz show Jeopardy for over 20 years. It’s the story of a man who dedicated his life to getting on the show. It’s so brilliant and so funny and even heartbreaking in small and beautiful ways. A man who’s devoted to telly. No wonder I like it.