These people are exactly who you think they are, part 9,384

From Global Class War by Jeff Faux, p. 127-8:

On December 9, 2002, members of Washington’s governing class gathered in the new Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center to mark the tenth anniversary of the completion of the NAFTA negotiations. The morning speakers were the three who had forged the deal—George H.W. Bush, Carlos Salinas, and Brian Mulroney…

Now, celebrating among friends, the three ex-leaders argued that history had vindicated them. Bush said that NAFTA had created millions of good jobs in the United States. He dismissed critics as parochial, lawless, and anarchist. He brought the mainly male house down with a story of how, while being driven past a group of antiglobalization demonstrators, he was confronted by “a, frankly, unattractive woman—I think ‘ugly’ was a good word.” She carried a sign that said “Stay out of my womb.” Bush deadpanned, “Looked over and said, no problem, just—none at all.”

You stay classy, George Bush.