
I’ve been wondering: how did Dennis Perrin’s debate in Tarrytown last week on the mideast go? Well…

The complexities, manias, and sorrows of the Middle East have driven many people insane, and in the years of debating and discussing this issue, I’ve encountered my share (though some would say that I, too, am nuts, and sometimes I feel that’s true). But last Wednesday night, I hit the lunatic jackpot.

For instance:

…it was [Sidney] Zion’s turn, and I focused more on his tone rather than his exact words. Zion was loud, belligerent, and appeared to have a seething hatred of Arabs. He then dismissed Nada [Khader]’s “bullshit,” and called her a stupid “little girl.” Much of the audience booed him on this point, and Zion yelled right back at them…

It was then I noticed that Zion had a bottle of Johnnie Walker Black Label Scotch stashed under the table. In the moments when he wasn’t bellowing, he poured himself drink after drink, getting more hammered as the night wore on. And of course the more hammered he got, the more abusive he became…

That’s just the warm up. There is more, and much worse, here.

BONUS: Here’s the description of Sidney Zion from his lecture agent’s website:

You won’t find a style that can match Sidney Zion’s for wit, savvy, clarity, fearlessness and vision. So unique is his voice that aficionados don’t need a byline to know who they’re reading…