Torture Awareness Month

You might wish America weren’t a country that needed a Torture Awareness Month. But we are, and June is it:

June 26th is the date that the United Nations has marked as the International Day in Support of Survivors and Victims of Torture. This year a coalition of human rights, civil liberties and faith organizations have joined TASSC International, a leading survivors organization, in declaring June “Torture Awareness Month.” This awareness raising month is an effort to respond to the growing evidence that the United States government is engaging systematically in the use of torture and inhuman treatment as part of the “war on terror.”

Follow the link to for lots more information, upcoming events and suggested action. People with blogs may also wish to visit Bloggers Against Torture and join up. Even the blog-less will find it has a fantastic round-up of blogosphere anti-torture writing.

(Via Nell of A Lovely Promise.)