The Republicans have finally come up with a winning strategy for November. Bribery. (via Political Animal)
Most American taxpayers would get $100 rebate checks to offset the pain of higher pump prices for gasoline, under an amendment Senate Republicans hope to bring to a vote Thursday.
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“Our plan would give taxpayers a hundred dollar gas tax holiday rebate check to help ease the pain that they’re feeling at the pump,” Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist announced Thursday. “It also includes strong federal anti-price gouging protection to protect consumers against anti-competitive behavior by oil companies or other suppliers of gasoline. Our free market system works, but it works best when there’s full accountability and full transparency.”
“Our free market system works”, says the Senator who wants to give $100 handouts as an election gimmick. What a douche. Didn’t he learn anything from dating? Desperation isn’t attractive, it’s just pathetic…