What he said

There are still hundreds of thousands of absentee and provisional ballots to be counted.

What Rove knows and Democrats are only now just learning is that the endgame in an election isn’t the final tally; it’s framing the narrative in how the final tally is counted.

There are still hundreds of thousands of absentee and provisional ballots to be counted.

Right this minute — right now, go, seriously — contact the national media, plus every media outlet in the close states that you can find — and demand that they not call any results final until the results are actually final.

There are still hundreds of thousands of absentee and provisional ballots to be counted.

The perception that the uncounted votes aren’t important could congeal in the next 24 hours.

Let’s win the endgame this time.

FAIR’s media contact list is here.

Newslink’s complete media list, indexed by state, is here.

Ohio TV stations. Ohio newspapers. Ohio radio stations.

GOTV is done. Now let’s Get Out The Media.

Don’t blow this, Democrats. There’s too much at stake.