Quick notes

Be sure not to miss my post below about Drudge’s clumsy attempt to hide the fact that he was swiping a photo off this site. It’s down below Bob’s posts.

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Ran into Josh Marshall yesterday, crouched down in the Air America booth behind Al Franken, listening in as Franken and Sean Hannity went at it. Janeane Garofolo was also standing nearby, and after the interview, Hannity said to Janeane, with mock outrage: “You called me a creep?”

“You are a creep,” she replied. Hannity continued to smile broadly, as if he just couldn’t believe these crazy liberals.

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Luckovich and I were walking down the street and passed Sam Donaldson. Luckovich is the kind of guy who will go up to almost anyone and start talking, so we chatted with Sam for a moment. As I was taking a photo of the two of them, Sam said something like, “I hope you’re not with Ali G!” — and then headed off before I could figure out a reasonably polite way to say, hey, speaking of Ali G — did you know the entire interview was a goof? And if not — well, have you heard of Google?

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I’m doing a couple of Air America bits while I’m here — I’ll be on tonight around 7:30, and tomorrow morning at around 11:30.

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I finally made it up to the blogger section last evening. I’m sure this has been discussed by every other blogger here, but man, to call it the nosebleed section doesn’t adequately convey it. You’re up there so high, if you stand up too quickly you’re likely to bump your head on the rafters. If we were any further up in the air, we’d be on top of the convention center.