They’re floating around the internet, and Diebold doesn’t like it one bit. Perhaps they are champions of intellectual property rights, simply doing their best to defend their copyright or perhaps they don’t want voters to see that democracy is being entrusted to a people who say things like this:
* I need some answers! Our department is being audited by the County. I have been waiting for someone to give me an explanation as to why Precinct 216 gave Al Gore a minus 16022 [votes] when it was uploaded. Will someone please explain this so that I have the information to give the auditor instead of standing here “looking dumb”
* For a demonstration I suggest you fake it. Progam them both so they look the same, and then just do the upload fro [sic] the AV. That is what we did in the last AT/AV demo.
* Right now you can open GEMS’ .mdb file with MS-Access, and alter its contents. That includes the audit log. This isn’t anything new.
* Elections are not rocket science. Why is it so hard to get things right! I have never been at any other company that has been so miss [sic] managed.
* Johnson County, KS will be doing Central Count for their mail in ballots. They will also be processing these ballots in advance of the closing of polls on election day. They would like to log into the Audit Log an entry for Previewing any Election Total Reports. They need this, to prove to the media, as well as, any candidates & lawyers, that they did not view or print any Election Results before the Polls closed. However, if there is a way that we can disable the reporting functionality, that would be even better.
Times story here. And Ruminate This recommends some action you can take. We’re talking about the fundamentals of our very democracy here, after all.